Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Class Reflection: Asssignment 5

In your blog, please provide your thoughts on the following three items. First, provide brief reflection on those learnings from the course that you feel have been most helpful in your development as a teacher. Second, provide brief reflection on those learnings that still need 'brushing-up' -- possibly on your own or possibly in class. Finally, provide brief reflection on specifics you hope to see in the last half of the class.

As someone who has had a range of exposure to education (my mother is an AID. my brother is a principal, my aunt is a special needs instructor and my sister is a teacher) I found a lot of this class to have simply re-stated areas that I already knew as being important to the educative process. While my experiences have been very individualized it has been very informative to relate these experiences to the broader examples laid out in class. I would say that the class has mainly been a facilitator of guiding previous knowledge and encouraging me to think more critically and assess where I want it to fit within my classroom.

I think that the class would really benefit from a strategy building class. We are told that inclusion is overwhelming, time consuming and necessary and yet there have been no suggestions given on how to cope specifically, aside from the one video. I think that as this will be such a huge part of our classes that it would benefit us greatly to spend a little more time touching on strategies specifically.

I would still like to see examples of IEPs. I think that it would be extremely beneficial to make one up as a class. Maybe learn some strategies to make them seem less daunting; break them down into steps that are more manageable.

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