Sunday, February 10, 2008

Assignment 9

Please provide a reflection on your learning in Ed3602. What parts of the course are meeting your needs as you think about serving students with special needs in your classroom. How much better prepared are you today than 5 short weeks ago? Are there changes that you would recommend within the course to improve its nature? Please keep in mind that the length of the course is limited so if recommending additional content, what sections do we examine dropping -- always a challenge!

I feel that the most important thing that I got out of this course was the diverse nature that we may meet in our years of teaching. Much else was somewhat review for me having had my education foundations completed and having a mother and aunt who work with students with special needs.

One thing that I would have liked to learn more about is IPP's as they are a very big reality to us as teachers. I wold really have liked to make up some real examples more in depth in class. An area that I would recommend cutting down is the portion on Differentiated Learning as much of it is review for PSII.

I would say that I am a little more prepared to go into a classroom then I was prior to this class. Moreso due to that idea of becoming more aware of students needs. I found the WIKI's extremely informative and encouraging. There is a breadth of knowledge at our fingertips and therefore we need not worry about not knowing about our students condition.

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